Animal Jam Cougar Codes

Cougars are a type of big cat that was added to Animal Jam in March 2017.  The arrival of cougars was hinted with slash marks and paw prints scattered around Jamaa.  AJHQ officially announced them a few weeks before they came out and they arrived on March 16th.

You can find cougars for sale at the Diamond Shop for the cost of 10 diamonds.  They are available for members only like almost all of the new animals that come out.  To see how you can win a free Animal Jam membership, click the link in the sidebar to enter one of our giveaways!

We already know a little about what to expect with cougars because of all the suspense leading to their release.  But let’s visit the Diamond Shop to get one for ourselves and see what they’re really like!

My first impression of cougars after getting one is that they’re bigger than I expected.  I always thought cougars weren’t as big as some of the other cats like lions and tigers, but around Jamaa they look pretty big!

They’ve got some great dance moves :p

And they’ll even chase a laser pointer, just like house cats!

I think if they’re anything like the other big cats in Jamaa, cougars will be a popular choice to play as!  The quickest way to get a cougar is with an Animal Jam membership.  You must be a member in order to buy a cougar from the Diamond Shop.  Plus members get a free diamond every day they log in so it wont take long to save up for one!

Since a lot of Jammers don’t have memberships, many players are looking for cougar codes.  At the time of writing this, I don’t know of any cougar codes but there may still be hope.  I’ll update this post with any codes I hear of so please comment if you know any!

You might be able to find a code for a cougar by signing up for the Animal Jam Box.  If you haven’t heard of it, it’s basically a subscription where you get exclusive Animal Jam items delivered to your doorstep every 3 months.  Subscribers will also get exclusive codes for items and possibly animals so there might even be a cougar code in there!

What do you think of the new cougars?  If you have any working codes for cougars or other ideas for how to get them, please comment below!

  1. could anyone tell me a code for cougars? I’m on play wild and I have enough sapphires, or even when they are coming back.
    Thanks, AJ USER: Fir3wulf date written- 13-2-19

  2. Hi Aj I am broke on my ajpw account: mcke17, if you can help me that should be great 🙂

  3. i am after a Rainbow spike or 1000 diamonds and sapphires
    Username for AJ and AJPW: Spiritwolf2109
    Tysvm! xxx

  4. I love animal jam but I got hacked and I have nothing can you help with some gems plz
    my username is pickles0320

  5. aj can i have free membership code or even a ten diamond code.
    -my aj name is palomamabini

  6. Hello there … could I please have a membership please because my parents said I can’t have one . Thanks u ..

  7. Hi animal jam i would like a diamond code.My user is claireyhorsey!

  8. Can I please have a free membership?? PLZ!!!! Username : cgseid


  9. im a new youtuber and i need a membership for my channel plz give me a membership username sparkyartg12 aj
    ajpw is sparkyart

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